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摘要: 雅思阅读雅思阅读:如何才是正确的看数字时代的电视北京环球雅思|环球雅思|雅思阅读:如何才是正确的看数字时代的电视
  we spend a full five hours and 16 minutes a day in front of a screen, and that's without even turning on a television.
  so says a statistic from emarketer, a research firm that focuses on digital media and marketing. it says that for the first time we are devoting more attention each day to smartphones, computers and tablets. all of which points to a big question: what counts as tv-watching today?
  we are actually watching more television programming, just from a growing range of devices and platforms, say digital and television executives, as well as academics and statisticians. traditional tv or cable-network fare is now available online, via streaming services like netflix or for sale to be watched on mobile phones and tablets.
  the report says that adults are watching their televisions slightly less -- with a daily intake of four hours and 31 minutes this year, seven minutes less than in 2012.
  the increase in mobile devices and the multitasking they allow, plus the trend toward watching tv shows on devices other than televisions, is driving the changes measured in the report, says clark fredricksen, a spokesman for emarketer. the study, which came out in august, is conducted twice annually.
  the company says its numbers reflect raw data and studies of consumer media behavior from sources such as companies that measure tv ratings and online traffic, social networking platforms, gadget retailers, software manufacturers and government records.
  although americans are gravitating toward digital platforms and social networks, 'in many cases, what's popular comes from the large entertainment companies,' says james webster, a professor who studies audience measurement and behavior at northwestern university. he points to a recent video that looks homemade and shows a woman failing badly at the twerking dance move.
  after the video exploded on youtube -- it has been viewed more than 13 million times -- abc late night host jimmy kimmel announced that his team had produced the short.
  like other multimedia companies, viacom inc. has been rolling out apps that provide digital access to its shows. nickelodeon, mtv and comedy central programs reach authenticated viewers (cable subscribers who go online and register). 'you can see mobile device usage growing, but it's not eating into tv-watching,' says colleen fahey rush, executive vice president and chief research officer of viacom media networks.
  as networks provide new ways for people to access their programming, they're creating new viewers too, says albert cheng, disney abc television group's executive vice president and chief product officer for digital media.
  last may, the company launched watch abc, a service in which authenticated viewers can access online live streaming of programs as they air on the network, in markets like new york, philadelphia, chicago and los angeles. mr. cheng says the company is noting an uptick in regular viewing through watch abc of 'good morning america' and local abc morning news programs.
  adding to the confusion over what constitutes tv, digital companies are taking on network-like roles. yahoo, for instance, just launched screen, an app from which users can watch clips of 'saturday night live,' and 'the daily show with jon stewart.'
  nielsen -- whose television ratings data factored into emarketer's recent report -- disputes emarketer's findings. the rate of 'tv consumption is healthy. if anything, it's up from a year ago,' says dounia turrill, nielsen's senior vice president of client insights. 'we don't see any contraction on time spent with television sets.'
  the emarketer study found two connected trends: our time spent on mobile devices is surging and increasingly we are multitasking.
  the average time spent by u.s. adults per day using a mobile device in a non-voice capacity is 2 hours and 21 minutes this year, up from 24 minutes in 2010. the study counted simultaneous media use -- scanning twitter while watching a football game, for instance -- as time spent both with a tv set and a digital device.
  social media is a big draw on smartphones and tablets, the emarketer study says. in 2013, adults will spend an average of one hour and seven minutes per day on smartphones, with 28.4% dedicated to social networking, with the remainder spent on email, texting, maps, shopping, news and other activities. in 2011, u.s. adults spent 22 minutes a day on a smartphone, 18.1% of that time was spent on social networking.
  carolyn everson, facebook's vice president of global marketing solutions, says that 101 million people in america access the social network every day from mobile devices.
  one group finds nothing surprising about emarketer's findings: parents of young children. jacques stambouli, a wholesale liquidator in los angeles, has three children, ages 4, 6 and 8.
  all have their own wi-fi-enabled mobile device -- hand-me-downs from their parents. the younger two can't yet read, mr. stambouli says, but all three can stream video via netflix apps and find programs on the family's dvr. 'they expect to be able to see whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want,' he says.
  emarketer的发言人克拉克?弗雷德里克森(clark fredricksen)称,移动设备的增加及其带来的多任务处理能力,以及在移动设备上而不是电视机上观看电视节目的趋势,推动了报告所测出的变化。该研究每年开展两次,最近这份报告是在8月份出炉的。
  美国西北大学(northwestern university)研究收视统计与收视行为的教授詹姆斯?韦伯斯特(james webster)称,虽然美国民众日益被数字平台和社交网络所吸引,但“许多时候,热门节目还是来自于大型娱乐公司”。他提到了最近一段看上去似由个人拍摄的视频,它展现的是一名女子动作极其笨拙地跳甩臀舞。
  这段视频在youtube上迅速传播开来,已吸引了1,300多万人次观看。后来abc电视台的深夜脱口秀主持人吉米?基梅尔(jimmy kimmel)宣布,是他的团队制作了这段短视频。
  与其他多媒体公司一样,维亚康姆(viacom inc.)也一直在推出便于在数码产品上观看其节目的应用程序。认证观众(在网上注册的有线电视订户)可收看到尼克罗顿国际儿童频道 (nickelodeon)、mtv和喜剧中心频道(comedy central)的节目。维亚康姆媒体网络(viacom media networks)的执行副总裁兼首席研究员科琳?费伊?拉什(colleen fahey rush)说:“你可以看到移动设备的使用量在逐步增长,但它并没有蚕食电视的市场。”
  迪士尼-abc 电视集团(disney abc television group)数字媒体业务执行副总裁兼首席产品官albert cheng指出,由于电视网提供了让人们观看其节目的新方式,它们也带来了新观众。
  今年5月,该集团在纽约、费城、芝加哥和洛杉矶等地推出了“观看abc”(watch abc)服务。认证的观众可在网上实时观看电视网正播出的节目。cheng说,他们注意到,通过watch abc定期观看《早安美国》及abc本地早间新闻节目的人数有所增加。
  究竟什么算电视?使这个让人困惑的问题变得更为复杂的是,数字媒体公司也扮演起类似电视网的角色。例如,雅虎(yahoo)推出了一款名为 “screen”的应用程序,用户可用它观看《周六夜现场》(saturday night live)和《乔恩?斯图尔特每日秀》(the daily show with jon stewart)的视频片段。
  尼尔森(nielsen)的电视收视率数据也被考虑进emarketer最近的这份报告中,但该公司对emarketer的研究发现提出了异议。尼尔森负责消费者研究事务的高级副总裁杜尼亚?特里尔(dounia turrill)说:“电视消遣(的比率)很正常。如果说有变化的话,它反而比去年高了。我们没有发现人们花在电视机前的时间减少了。”
  该研究还指出,社交媒体是智能手机与平板电脑的大热点。在2013年,美国成年人每天花在手机上的时间平均将达一小时零七分,其中有28.4%的时间花在了社交网络上,其余的时间则花在电子邮件、发短信、使用地图、购物、浏览新闻和其他活动上。2011年,美国成年人每天花在智能手机上的时间为22 分钟,其中18.1%的时间用于访问社交网络。
  facebook全球营销方案副总裁卡罗琳?埃弗森(carolyn everson)称,美国每天有1.01亿人通过移动设备访问社交网络。
  有一个群体则觉得emarketer的发现不足为奇,那就是家有年幼孩子的家长。雅克?斯塔姆布利(jacques stambouli)是洛杉矶的一名清算商品批发商,有三个年龄分别为四岁、六岁和八岁的孩子。

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