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发布:环球雅思  点击数:  发布时间:2013-11-5 15:11:52

摘要: 雅思口语李宁老师--2013年11月雅思口语权威预测北京环球雅思|环球雅思|李宁老师--2013年11月雅思口语权威预测
  雅思口语11月part 1预测
  1.tell me something about yourself. lets start with where you are from. can you introduce your hometown, please?
  2.what’s your name? is there a meaning behind your name?
  3.where are you studying now? which subject that you are studying do you think is the most difficult?
  4.would you prefer to live in a flat or house? are you happy where you live at the moment, or would you like to move to another place to live? why?
  5.tell me about your hobby. how do you like to spend your free time? what ways do you find to relax?
  6.what are the typical plant in china? = tree?
  7.do you like to learn some history knowledge? why? who is the admired person in the history? do you like to watch some tv programmers about history? why?
  8.what’s your favourite genre of music? why? can you play any musical instruments?
  9.do you follow fashion? if so, what is your favourite style of clothing?
  10.what’s your favourite sport? why? do you like outdoor activity or indoor activity? do you like swimming? why?
  11.do you like cooking? why?
  12.do you like traveling by boat? if so, why? would you like to buy a boat in the future?
  13.do you like to go to the seaside? why?
  14.do you like to take photos? do you prefer to take photos of yourself and friends, or of the scenery? why?
  15.how often and in what situations do you usually take pictures?
  16.why do some people like to take picture of themself?
  17.what are the differences between tv programmes today and in the past?
  18.do you think there is too much advertising on tv? what is your opinion on this?
  19.do you like watching tv? why? what are the benefits? do you like to watch live tv debate programmes? if so, why?
  20.which type of house or apartment is your favourite? why? is it easy to move house in your country? can you briefly describe the process?
  21.do many tourists visit your hometown? what tourist sites or places of interest can they see?
  22.when is the busiest time of the day? do you enjoy being busy or does it stress you out?
  23.if you are unhappy with your life, in what ways can you change it?
  24.do you like traveling? how do you like to enjoy your holidays?
  25.are you fashion-conscious? what style of clothing do you like to wear and why?
  26.do you think breakfast is important? why?
  27.do you like writing? why? what type of writing do you do?
  28.do you like painting? why? what style of painting do you enjoy doing?
  29.on what occasions would you buy gifts for your friends? what kind of gifts would you give?
  30.do you prefer to read the newspaper or read the news online? do you usually read domestic news or international news? why?
  31.what’s favourite food? do you like vegetables? do you think it is important for people to eat vegetables?
  32.do you prefer to write letters or emails? give reasons for your answer.
  33.how do people celebrate birthday in china?
  雅思口语11月part 2预测:
  describe an important message you received
  you should:
  l say who the message was from
  l explain how you received this message (email, text message, phone call, etc.)
  l describe what the message was about
  l explain whether the message was good news or bad news
  l say how you responded to this message
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe an important decision you have made
  you should:
  l say what decision it is/was about
  l say why and how you made this decision
  l explain whether this decision was good or bad
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe an electronic item or gadget that you bought (or received) recentlyyou should:
  l say what the item was
  l say who bought it for you, and why
  l explain what the item or gadget can do (what are its functions?)
  l give reasons why you like it or dislike it
  l give your opinion about whether you think this gadget will still be useful in 10 years
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a cafe that you like
  you should:
  l say which cafe it is
  l say where the cafe is
  l say how often you go there
  l explain what the atmosphere is like in the cafe
  l explain what kind of food and drink is available in the cafe
  l explain why you like this cafe
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a game you played in your childhood
  you should:
  l say what the game was called
  l say how old you were when you played this game
  l say who you played the game with
  l briefly describe the rules
  l explain whether you liked this game or not, and why
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a group activity
  you should:
  l say what this activity was called
  l say what rules of this activity is involved
  l say who you played the with
  l explain whether you liked this activity or not, and why
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a change in your life
  you should:
  l say what the change was
  l say how old you were when this change happened
  l explain why the change happened
  l describe how this change has affected your life
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a maths class from primary school
  you should:
  l say who your teacher was
  l say how old you were when this class took place
  l describe the class and briefly explain what you learned about
  l say whether you enjoyed the class, and explain why you remember this class
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a book you have read more than once
  you should:
  l say what the book is called
  l say how old you were when you read it for the first time and how old you were when you reread it
  l briefly explain the plot
  l explain why you like the book and why you reread it
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a special meal
  you should:
  l say what the occasions was
  l say who was eating with you
  l say when this occasion took place
  l briefly describe the food that you ate
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe your preferred mode of public transport
  you should:
  l say what mode of public transport you prefer
  l say why you like this mode of transport
  l say how often you use this mode of public transport
  l explain the advantages of this form of public transport over other forms
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a science class that you have experienced
  you should:
  l say when this science class took place
  l say who the teacher was for this class
  l say who you attended this class with
  l briefly describe what you learned about
  l say whether you enjoyed this class, and explain why you remember this class so well
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe an event in history that you find interesting
  you should:
  l say what the event was
  l say when the event took place
  l explain why it was important to the people involved
  l briefly describe what happened
  l say why you find this event interesting
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe an interesting speech you have heard or read
  you should:
  l say who made the speech
  l say when it happened
  l briefly explain what the speech was about
  l say why this speech was important
  l say why this speech interests you
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe an advertisement that you like
  you should:
  l say what product the advertisement is for
  l say where you saw or heard it
  l briefly describe the advert
  l explain how the advert promotes the product
  l explain why this advert is memorable and why you liked it
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a language you would like to learn
  you should:
  l say what the language is
  l say which countries speak this language as a first language
  l explain why the language appeals to you
  l describe the benefits to learning this language
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe an invention that has benefited humanity=something you cann’t live without
  you should:
  l say what the invention is
  l say when it was invented and by whom
  l describe the events leading up to the invention
  l explain what changes this invention brought
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a park you like to visit
  you should:
  l give the name of the park and say where it is
  l say how often you go there
  l describe the park
  l say what this park has that other parks do not have (why is this park special to you)
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe an interesting country=describe a place you would like to visit=a place where you like to listen to music (这三个考题类似,思路一致)
  you should:
  l say where the place is
  l describe what you find interesting about the place
  l say what there is to do and see there
  l say whether it will ever be possible for you to go there, and if so, when you plan to visit
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a crowded place=shopping street
  you should:
  l say where this crowded place is
  l say how often you visit this crowded place and why you go there
  l give reasons why it is so crowded
  l say whether you like this place or not
  l say whether this place benefits from being crowded or whether it causes problems
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a place near water (the sea, a river, a lake and so on) that you have been to.
  you should:
  l say where this place is
  l say how often you visit this place and why you go there
  l give reasons why you like this place
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a sport competition you watched
  you should:
  l say what sport was being played
  l say when the event happened
  l say which teams (or people) were competing
  l say where the competition took place
  l explain what was especially memorable about the competition, and why you enjoyed it
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a training class that you attended
  you should:
  l say what the class was
  l say when the class took place and who you attended the class with
  l briefly explain about what you learned
  l say what the benefits of the class were to you
  l say whether you enjoyed the training class and why
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe something that you are proud of doing
  you should:
  l say what you did
  l say who you did this with
  l explain how you planned what happened
  l briefly describe what happened
  l explain why the memory of this event makes you so proud
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a job you would like to do in the future
  you should:
  l say what the job is
  l say when you hope to begin this job
  l explain why this job appeals to you
  l say what qualifications or skills are required
  l describe how this job might benefit society
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a tv programme you like to watch
  you should:
  l say what the programme is
  l say how often you watch it
  l say what type of programme it is (documentary, soap, drama, news, etc.)
  l explain why you enjoy this programme
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe your favourite weather
  you should:
  l say what type of weather you enjoy
  l say what time of the year this weather usually occurs
  l explain what activities you like to do in this weather
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a person who taught you a useful skill
  you should:
  l say who the person was
  l describe the skill that they taught you
  l explain why this person taught you the skill and how he/ she did it
  l explain why this skill is beneficial in life
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a gift you received as a child
  you should:
  l say what the gift was
  l explain what the item was used for (what are its functions)
  l say who gave it to you
  l explain why you liked or disliked it
  l say whether you still have the gift
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  talk about something you lost that was important to you
  you should:
  l say what you lost
  l say when you lost it and how
  l say why it was so precious to you at the time
  l explain how you coped with the loss
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe your favorite movie
  you should:
  l say what the movie is called
  l say when you first saw it
  l say whether you have re-watched it and why
  l briefly describe what the movie was about
  l say why you think others might like this film
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe your favourite newspaper or magazine
  you should:
  l say what the newspaper or magazine is called
  l say how often you buy it
  l say where you purchase it from
  l briefly describe the contents of the newspaper or magazine
  l explain why this newspaper or magazine is your favourite
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a letter or mail you received
  you should:
  l say what the newspaper or magazine is called
  l say how often you buy it
  l say where you purchase it from
  l briefly describe the contents of the newspaper or magazine
  l explain why this newspaper or magazine is your favourite
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a seaside resort you would like to visit
  you should:
  l say where it is
  l say why you would to go there
  l describe some activities that take place there
  l say when you hope to get the chance to go there
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe one occasion when you were late
  you should:
  l say what event you were late for, and when this occurred
  l explain what caused you to be late
  l explain the consequences of your lateness
  l say what you learned from this experience
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe your favourite radio programme
  you should:
  l say what the radio programme is
  l say how often you listen to it
  l say what type of programme it is (drama, music, news, documentary, etc.)
  l briefly describe what the programme is about
  l explain why you like this programme
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a musical event you have experienced
  you should:
  l say what the event was
  l say when it took place
  l say who was performing
  l briefly describe what took place at the event
  l explain why the event was memorable for you
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe what style of clothes you like to wear
  you should:
  l say what style of clothes you prefer
  l describe this style of clothing
  l explain why this style appeals to you
  l explain whether this style is for comfort or fashion
  l say whether you wear different clothes during different seasons
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a school rule
  you should:
  l say what the rule is
  l say when and why the rule was first established
  l explain the consequences of breaking this rule
  l say whether you think this rule is fair and effective
  l say whether you would want to change this rule and why
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  describe a conversation you had with a stranger
  you should:
  l say what the conversation based on
  l say when and where the conversation was talked
  l explain why you like the conversation
  you have 1 minute to prepare your answer. your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
  雅思口语11月part 3预测:
  1.do you think libraries should be free for the public to use? give your reasons why, or why not?
  2.do you think it is very important for us to encourage people to take public transport? why?
  3.do you think online reading and electronic devices like the kindle where you can download books will ever replace the library? do you like to study or work in the library?
  4.discuss the benefits to online shopping and regular shopping, and tell me which you prefer and why.
  5.what are the benefits from traveling? why are an increasing number of people spending more money on holidays?
  6.do you think studying abroad is good for children? why? after their graduation, do you think they will have a job in overseas or back to china, state your opinions, and say why?
  7.do you prefer to have dinner at home or in a restaurant? what are advantages and disadvantages for eating in the restaurant?
  8.what are the difference between tv programs and radio programs? which do you prefer?
  9.what are the most popular jobs in china? what career advice would you give to young people today?
  10.why do you think children like to play games? how have children’s games changed over the years? what are the key differences between children’s games today and children’s games in the past?
  11.do you think games are beneficial to children? if so, how are they beneficial?
  12.do you think children should to learn musical instruments? why or why not? what are the benefits for learning musical instruments?
  13.do you think reading is popular in china? what are the most popular types of books in china?
  14.in what ways can children be encouraged to read books? do you think electronic book devices such as the kindle will replace traditional paper books?
  15.do you like to travel with a group of people or travel alone?
  16.do you think history is important? why we should learn about history? do you think it is necessary to preserve historic sites? why?
  17.how is traveling and going on holiday different today compared with the past?
  18.do you think there should be restrictions on advertising aimed at children?
  19.do you think english is easy to learn? why?
  20.which language do you think will be the international language in the future? explain your reasons why? what are difference between young and elder for learning the second language?
  21.do you prefer to travel with friends or by yourself?
  22.what are the main differences between gifts for you would buy for girls and gifts you would buy for boys?
  23.what are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling?
  24.what is your preferred mode of transport? give reasons for you answer.
  25.why do people enjoy traveling to new places? how does tourism benefit a countries’ economy?
  26.as you know, the world’s population is rising. what problems do you think this will lead to regarding land shortage, lack of space, and house prices? in what ways do you think we can solve this problem?
  27.how important do you think it is to teach children social skills?
  28.what are the differences between careers and jobs today compared to careers and jobs in the past?
  29.how important do you think it is to control the amount of time that children watch tv?
  30.do you think the television industry will experience changes in the future? do you think tvs will ever disappear?
  31.which type of media do you think is more honest: television or newspaper?
  32.do you think the weather can influence somebody’s mood, or even their personality?
  33.do you think the young generation today are aware of cultural matters?
  34.if your friends or relatives come to visit you, would you invite them to stay in your house or would you pay for them to stay in a nearby hotel? why?
  35.do you prefer to write an email or a letter? or do you prefer other alternative forms of communications, such as instant messaging?
  36.do you think money can make you happy? why?
  37.what are the difference between to chat with acquaintance and strangers? why someone like to chat with broadcasting station? do you think broadcasting station programme is really helpful?
  38.do you think it is a very serious issue in china: water pollution? how to protect our environment? just imagine, do you think we will live in the outer space in the near future?

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