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发布:环球雅思  点击数:  发布时间:2014-2-24 14:10:53

摘要: 雅思写作范文:2014年2月22日雅思a类大作文北京环球雅思|环球雅思|范文:2014年2月22日雅思a类大作文
  2014年2月22日雅思a类大作文题目:educating children is expensive and the government of some countries pays some of or all of the costs. do the advantages of the government paying for the costs outweigh the disadvantages?
  (word count=282)
  第一段, 引出话题,表明我方立场
  free education system is increasingly welcomed in many countries. a vast number of children can indeed benefit from this free policy(从这一免费政策中受益). for my part, however, the disadvantages of free or subsidized education prevail over its advantages.(然而,在我看来,免费或补贴式教育的弊大于利)
  in the first place, the free policy will impose a huge financial burden on the government(给政府带来巨大财政负担). be it a developing or developed country, there are still a number of needy people struggling on poverty line(在贫困线上挣扎的穷人). therefore, the government should spend limited public funds helping the needy get rid of poverty(脱贫) at first; then, the government can reflect on(认真考虑) whether or not children’s education can be free or subsidized.
  in the second place, this free policy means that(意味着) everyone has to pay higher taxes in order for the government to provide this opportunity. however, it does not hide the fact that(然而,这并未掩盖住一个事实) those who do not use this opportunity would be forced to pay for something that they would not benefit from. in view of this, children’s free education only benefits a small group of young students, rather than the entire nation.
  on the other hand, some others may argue that children’s free education provides equal opportunities of attending school for everyone. teenagers born in poor families(穷人家的孩子) can also grasp the chance to go to school and acquire knowledge. while this point of views sounds reasonable, we should realize that students tend to work harder, if they can pay for the tuition by themselves, because they want to get their money’s worth(钱花的值).
  in conclusion, providing children’s education for free is not as good as many people expected(不如人们想象中那么好). children’s education might as well(不妨) come to school-age students(到了上学年龄的儿童) in the form of scholarship, which can inspire them to work hard(激励他们努力学习).

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