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发布:环球雅思  点击数:  发布时间:2013-8-9 10:52:00

摘要: 雅思口语北京环球雅思:雅思口语素材俚语整理介绍北京环球雅思_雅思口语素材俚语整理介绍


  every which way

  [释] in all directions or by every way possible;

  [例] when the police arrived, people in demonstration started running every which way.;


  [释] exclamation of disgust;

  [例] ew man! what are you eating? it smells really terrible.

  eye candy

  [释] something purely aesthetically pleasing;

  [例] i was at the beach yesterday and there was a lot of eye candy there.;


  [释] something that is shocking or surprising to see;

  [例] we made an eye-popping web site for our new client.


  [释] a former boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, friend;

  [例] i called my ex last night telling him to come and collect what she had left in my place.;

  excuse one's french

  [释] excuse one's bad language;

  [例] what the fxxk! excuse my french.


  [释] really really smart guy;

  [例] that guy got an a in algorithms with prof. brady! what an einstein!;

  elbow grease

  [释] working hard by putting all efforts into the job;

  [例] the stain will come off eventually. it just takes some elbow grease.

  empty nester

  [释] a parent whose children have grown up and left home;

  [例] you'll be an empty nester soon after your daughter goes to college.;


  [释] impressive, wonderful or awesome;

  [例] the movie last night was epic and definitely worth watching.

  epic fail

  [释] when something is seen to be a total failure;

  [例] i was denied to enter the examination hall for no id card. what a epic fail.;

  every cloud has a sliver lining

  [释] for every bad thing that happens, there's something positive about it.


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