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发布:环球雅思  点击数:  发布时间:2013-7-21 11:07:49

摘要: 雅思写作环球雅思:雅思写作小作文课件例举介绍北京环球雅思_雅思写作小作文课件例举介绍



  psychology teaches us that training and self-training can dramatically alter our characteristics and even the ability to learn itself, which may eventually alter our lives.


  near in the end of the second world war, churchill delivered his famous and shortest speech:“never, never give up.” the british,as well as people in many other countries, were tremendously encouraged, and finally went through the hardest period in human history.


  “teachers play a vital role in children's education, which can not be replaced by parents”, commented the president of the harvard university.

  4.“countryside is the source of inspiration”, said beethoven, the greatest german composer, after he wrote his immortal symphony 6 'pastoral‘。 i can not agree with him more. indeed, the serene environment can ignite our innovation and creativity.



  fixed punishments for each type of crime contradicts the sensitive section of human nature.

  to start with, fixed punishments for each type of crime, which is considered as a mechanical measurement, institutionally contradicts the sensitive section of the human nature.

  ielts cambridge 7 test 2 task 2



  fixed punishments of each type for crime destroys the humanity of the laws, so that the progress of legal civilisation will be challenged.

  in addition, fixed punishments for each type of crime destroy the humanity of the laws, which is regarded as one of the most indispensable motivations and principles of making laws, so that the legal civilisation will be severely challenged.


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